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TRACK: Health Insurance

Consumer governed Health CO-OPs created under the Affordable Care Act (which now provide health insurance to over 1 million Americans), and other socially motivated payors, seek to make health insurance more affordable while increasing the quality of care by introducing value based provider reimbursement, patient centered primary care, patient wellness, health information technology, data analytics, and administrative efficiencies, among other reforms.  These innovations and market penetration require capital that is scarce for new entrants in the payor market place.  CO-OPs, for example, are provided finite capital through federal loans that has already been stressed in a number of states by high levels of enrollment. Innovation and long-term growth will be significantly enhanced if these new entrants can leverage capital and other resources from other for-benefit motivated stakeholders in this sector which, in turn, will find these new entrants to be receptive vehicles for piloting reforms.

Health Insurance


Nathan Johns, Chief Financial Officer, Arches Health Plan; Chair, Finance Committee, National Alliance of State Health CO-OPs


John Morrison, Partner, Morrison, Sherwood, Wilson & Deola


Tricia Schumann, Chief Marketing Officer, Arches Health Plan; Chair, Marketing Committee, National Alliance of State Health CO-OPs


The health insurance track will provide insights to participants on for-benefit enterprise structure, market positioning, branding and messaging opportunities, regulatory frameworks and financial solutions. We will examine opportunities for cooperation and collaboration among interests in this sector to promote for-benefit objectives.  Other public mission oriented payors, foundations, investors, and representatives from academic medicine will explore strategies and opportunities for mutual engagement and growth. We will consider laws and regulations that affect investment, and identify existing pathways and barriers.



Participants will include senior level CO-OP leadership from the marketing/sales and community outreach teams, finance and population management and innovation teams.

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