Leveraging For-Benefit Enterprise
and Cross-Sector Leadership to
Tackle Complex Challenges
TRACK: Applied Clean Energy
In order to avoid the worst climate change impacts from global warming, the world must rapidly apply existing and new clean energy and low carbon technologies.
The Clean Energy Investment Initiative (CEII) announced by the White House on Feb 10, 2015 calls for $2B of impact investor commitment to clean energy innovations. A particular area of interest is solving the lack of early stage funding for disruptive clean energy innovations, as a result of the retreat of traditional venture capital from the sector. The CEII expects to attract foundations, family offices, and impact investors to the sector to bridge this gap.

Applied Clean Energy
Aimee Christensen, Founder and CEO, Christensen Global Strategies
Len Hering RADM, USN (ret), Executive Director, Center for Sustainable Energy
Elliot Hoffman, Founder and CEO, REV
Timothy Jones, Presidential Innovation Fellow, U.S. Department of Energy
Dana Lanza, CEO & Co-Founder, Confluence Philanthropy
Hilary McMahon, Director of Research, Carbon War Room
Jigar Shah President and Co-Founder, Generate Capital
Jigar Shah, President and Co-Founder, Generate Capital
What role can for-benefit entities play in bringing clean energy innovations to market? Could new technology companies in key areas such as battery storage, for example, better attract early-stage impact investment capital as for-benefit entities?
How can we leverage current innovations in financing to support for-benefit clean energy projects? How do we scale these innovations on a sectoral or other level?
How can we produce greater deal flow to attract impact investment into projects that produce measurable GHG reduction? What additional diligence, methodology or practices need to be applied to increase the potential for both positive financial return and measurable GHG reduction?
How can impact investors finance and sustain backbone organizations that support enterprises in reducing GHG emissions?
Track participants will be a balanced set of stakeholders required to adequately address the problems and opportunities identified. They will include:
Executors of clean energy projects, including for-benefit entities
Innovative financing leaders / investors
Matchmakers and intermediaries connecting projects and finance